Przyimek w języku angielskim ma identyczne zastosowanie jak w języku polskim. Pozwala określić lokalizację przedmiotu, czas, miejsce lub pewien stan. Ułatwieniem jest to, że nie musimy zastanawiać się, jak połaczyć dany przyimek z rzeczownikiem odmienionym przez przypadki, bo przecież w języku angielskim przypadków nie ma! Zastosowanie przyimka staje się więc bardzo łatwe.

Żeby to zilustrować, spójrzmy na przykład:

There are three apples on the table.

Na stole są trzy jabłka.

Niekiedy przyimek pełni funkcję dopełniacza lub narzędnika, np.

Three men in that building are policemen.

Trzej mężczyźni w tamtym budynku są policjantami.

Jedynym problemem przy nauce przyimków może być fakt, że przyimek angielski może, ale nie musi, odpowiadać różnym przyimkom w języku polskim i odwrotnie.

Prześledźmy to na kilku przykładach:

I will visit my aunt on Monday.

Odwiedzę moją ciocię w poniedziałek.

John was sitting next to his sister on the train.

John siedział obok swojej siostry w pociągu.

We arrived at the party on time.

Przybyliśmy na przyjęcie punktualnie.

Najlepiej jest więc uczyć się przyimków w konkretnych zwrotach i wyrażeniach!

Przyimek at może sprawić wiele problemów. Aby się tego ustrzec, zacznijmy od przeanalizowania typowych zastosowań przyimka at:

1. Przyimek at służy do określania miejsca, które jest postrzegane jako punkt w przestrzeni, np.

I was waiting only 2 minutes at the bus stop.

Czekałam tylko 2 minuty na przystanku.

John is at Mary's now. They are studying French together.

John jest teraz u Mary. Uczą się razem francuskiego.

I was absent at the wedding but I sent a present.

Byłem nieobecny na weselu, ale wysłałem prezent.

Write your name at the top of the page.

Napisz swoje imię na górze strony.

2. Przyimek at ma również zastosowanie przy określaniu czasu, odczytywaniu czasu z zegara, z posiłkami, z niektórymi świętami (tymi, które trwają dłużej, niż jeden dzień), np.

Sue arrived at 5 o'clock in the morning.

Sue przybyła o 5 godzinie rano.

At Easter I usually stay at my aunt's house.

W Wielkanoc zwykle przebywam w domu mojej cioci.

We can't meet at lunch time because I have to work.

Nie możemy się spotkać w czasie lunchu, bo muszę pracować.

Poniżej przedstawiamy listę najważniejszych wyrażeń przyimkowych z at:

Prepositional phrase



at night

w nocy

I like reading at night.

at the weekend

w weekend

We are planning to go skiing at the weekend.

at the end of

na koniec/końcu

What's at the end of this road? Just a dead end?

at the beginning of

na początku

I wonder what life was like at the beginning of the 18th century.

at the door

u drzwi

Someone is standing at the door.

at the top of

na górze

At the top of the mountain there were 3 men.

at the bottom of

na dole

At the bottom of page 9 there is my signature.

at the front

z przodu

There is a beautiful garden at the front of the mansion.

at the back

z tyłu

There's a garage at the back of my house.

at home

w domu

Just feel at home.

at work

w pracy

Recently we've got a lot to do at work.

at school/univeristy/college

w szkole/na uniwersytecie/w college

Did you have lunch at school yesterday?

at sea

nad morzem

Do you think that spending holidays at sea is what she really wants?

at a party

na przyjęciu

This is Amanda. We've met at a party.

at a conference

na konferencji

We are not allowed to eat snacks at a conference.

at the station/airport

na stacji/lotnisku

Is someone going to welcome me at the airport?

at the doctor's

u lekarza

He was supposed to be at the doctor's now!

at the age of...

w wieku ... lat

My father got married at the age of 30.

at... degrees Celsius

W ... stopniach Celsjusza

Water doesn't boil at 50 degrees Celsius.

at the crossroads

na skrzyżowaniu

His car is waiting at the crossroads now.

at the table

przy stole

There was the whole family sitting at the table.

at the wedding/funeral

na ślubie/pogrzebie

It was at the funeral when I first saw Susan.

at last

w końcu

At last we found our way back home.

at the bus stop

na przystanku

Waiting at the bus stop is not my favourite pastime.

at church

w kościele

She spends Sundays at church.

at all costs

za wszelką cenę

You must pass this exam at all costs.

at dawn

o świcie

At dawn she woke up and found out that her purse was missing.

at ease


Go for a walk - this will set your mind at ease.

at first

na początku

At first I felt very stressed buth then everything went smooth.

at the end

pod koniec

At the end of the movie everyone was fast asleep.

at first sight

od pierwszego wejrzenia

It was love at first sight and it lasted the whole 2 weeks.

at hand

pod ręką, w pobliżu

It's never at hand when I need it.

at heart

tak na prawdę

At heart, I still love you, Pamela Anderson.

at ... km an hour

z prędkością ... km/h

Sir, you've been driving your vehicle at 170 km an hour.

at large

na wolności

The murderer escaped from prison and is still at large.

at least


At least I have my pride.

at the moment

w tej chwili

Are you busy at the moment?

at noon

w południe

I have just made an appointment at noon.

at war/peace

w czasie wojny/pokoju

It means we're at war.

at present


At present the station is closed.

at short notice

od ręki

I don't believe they repaired your car at such a short notice.

at full speed

z pełną prędkością

Driving at full speed gives me the adrenaline which I need.

at times


The acoustics was so poor that I didn't hear the lecturer at times.

Przyimek in również może mieć różne znaczenia w języku angielskim.

1. Pierwsze, podstawowe i bardzo łatwe do zapamiętania znaczenie przyimka in to w - stosowane identycznie jak w języku polskim:

I have a lot of beautiful flowers in my room.

Mam wiele pięknych kwiatów w swoim pokoju.

2. Przyimek ten może również służyć do określana miejsca, opisywania relacji zawierania się w czymś lub wskazywania, że coś jest w obrębie jakiegoś obszaru zamkniętego.

We spent our honeymoon in Venice.

Miesiąc miodowy spędziliśmy w Wenecji.

Yesterday my friends were in the pub with their neighbours.

Wczoraj moi znajomi byli w pubie ze swoimi sąsiadami.

In the picture I see a big, brown dog.

Na obrazku widzę dużego, brązowego psa.

3. In może służyć do określania czasu, a dokładniej mówiąc: miesięcy, roku, pory dnia (wyjątek at night), jednostki czasu w znaczeniu za (pewnien czas).

In July I was in Greece with my parents.

W lipcu byłam w Grecji z rodzicami.

In the morning I eat breakfast, in the afternoon I eat dinner but I don't have supper in the evening.

Rano jem śniadanie, po południu jem obiad ale wieczorem nie jadam kolacji.

His grandfather died in 2006 at the age of 85.

Jego dziadek zmarł w 2006 roku, w wieku 85 lat.

I am going out in 5 minutes.

Wychodzę za 5 minut.

Oprócz powyższych zastosowań istnieją też stałe zestawienia wyrażeń z przyimkiem in, które niestety trzeba zapamiętać. Oto przykłady:

Prepositional phrase



in a chair/armchair

na krześle/w fotelu

I remember him sitting in this armchair.

in bed

w łóżku

Still in bed? It's time to get up!

in the world

na świecie

These are the best muffins in the world.

in the middle of the road

na środku ulicy

Watch out! There is a broken vehicle in the middle of the road.

in the north/south/east/west

na północy/południu/wschodzie/zachodzie

Cracow isn't in the west of Poland.

in the sky

na niebie

There are so many beautiful stars in the sky.

in time

z czasem

In time we got used to our neighbour's dog.

in the end

w końcu

In the end he stood up and shouted: "That's it, you liar!"

in the corner

w rogu

Can you see the mouse over there sittinng in the corner?

in hospital

w szpitalu

He is in hospital after a terrible accident he had last week.

in prison

w więzieniu

Don't tell anyone but I've been in prison for 5 years.

in the rain/sun/shade

w deszczu/słońcu/cieniu

I'm singing in the rain...

in my opinion

moim zdaniem

In my opinion you should give up smoking, mum.

(write) in ink/pencil

pisać atramentem/ołówkiem

Please, don't write in pencil during the test.

in danger

w niebezpieczeństwie

I'm afraid your son in in danger.

in cash


You have to pay in cash in that shop.

in the future

w przyszłości

My brother will become an astronaut in the future.

in answer (to)

w odpowiedzi (na)

In answer to your letter we're sending you the invoice.

in English

po angielsku

How can I understand the letter? It's in English!

in general


In general, I don't like animals.

in pairs

parami, w parach

We are going to do the exercise in pairs.

in other words

innymi słowy

How to say "mean" in other words?

in addition to

w dodatku

In addition to arriving late she forgot to bring the note we had asked for.

in advance

z wyprzedzeniem

You should book these tickets in advance.

in brief


Could you tell me in brief what has just happened?

in the centre of

w centrum

The hotel is in the centre of the city.

(be) in charge of

(być) odpowiedzialnym za

Who is in charge of this project?

in common


We get on well because we have a lot in common, I guess.

in comparison with

w porównaniu z

It is more interesting in comparison with your last novel.

in conclusion


In conclusion, it was a very successful enterprise.

in detail


Could you describe it to me in detail?

in exchange for

w zamian za

I'll give you 10$ in exchange for this.

in fact

w rzeczywistości

No wonder they got themselves killed. It is in fact a dangerous route.

in fashion


Are long skirts still in fashion?

(be) in favour of

(być) za (być zwolennikiem)

All in favour of capital punishment raise your hands.

in half

na pół

Should I cut the apple in half?

in a hurry

w pośpiechu

My parent are always in a hurry.

in love with

zakochany w

I'm in love with my friend's girlfriend, I'm afraid.

in the meantime

w międzyczasie

Try to water the flowers and in the meantime I'll do the dishes.

in the name of

w imię

They acted in the name of justice.

in a nutshell

krótko (mówiąc)

Let me put it in a nutshell: "I am leaving."

in order to


I wrote it down in order not to forget.

(be) in pain


The soldier was in such pain that he couldn't stand it any more.

in particular

w szczególności

I like sweets, ice-cream in particular.

in the past

w przeszłości

In the past I swam a lot.

in person


Do I have to pick up the package in person?

in principle

w zasadzie

In principle we don't allow children in here.

in theory/practice


In theory everything is possible.

in public/private


I need to talk to you in private.

in progress

w trakcie

The work is still in progress.

in return

w zamian

What will I get in return?

in self-defence

w obronie własnej

Yes, I killed him but it was in self-defence.

in the street

na ulicy

Do you really want to end up living in the street?

in touch

w kontakcie

Bye. We'll be in touch.

in turn

po kolei

Could you speak in turn, please?

in vain

na próżno

Don't cry in vain.

in question

o którym mowa

The man in question was absent that day.

1. Przyimek on, przyetłumaczony na polski jako na może służyć do określania położenia przedmiotu - jeśli znajduje się on na jakiejś płaskiej powierzchni i jest z nią styczny.

Prześledźmy to na podstawie przykładów:

Mike's cat is lying on the floor.

Kot Mike'a leży na podłodze.

"Where's my book?"
"It's on the shelf in the living room."

"Gdzie jest moja książka?"
"Jest na półce w salonie."

2. Przyimek on ma również zastosowanie przy określaniu daty - a ściślej mówiąc - gdy mamy na myśli konkretną datę dzienną, nazwę dnia tygodnia, nazwę dnia świątecznego itp.

On Wednesday I have to visit my aunt.

W środę muszę odwiedzić moją ciocię.

On Christmas Day I got up at 7 to be the first to unpack the presents.

W dzień Bożego Narodzenia wstałam o 7, żeby jako pierwsza rozpakować prezenty.

My birthday is on the 28th of January.

Mam urodziny 28 stycznia.

Poniżej przedstawiamy przykłady zastosowania przyimka on w stałych wyrażeniach:

Prepositional phrase



on board

na pokładzie

How many people are on board, captain?

on a cruise

w rejs

I'll take you on a cruise to Italy if you want.

on Earth

na ziemi

The photographer took pictures of almost all species which live on Earth.

on the outskirts

na obrzeżach

I dream of living on the outskirts of London.

on page (three)

na (trzeciej) stronie

You'll find the exercise on page three.

on the pavement

na chodniku

Look! There's a car parked on the pavement!

on the radio

w radio

I don't watch TV. I listen to the news on the radio.

on TV

w telewizji

Is there anything interesting on TV tonight?

on my birthday

na moje urodziny

What are you going to give me on my birthday?

on time


Philip is a very reliable person and he always comes to the meetings on time.

on the right/left

po prawej/lewej

Where am I? On the right I can see a post office and there's a church on the left.

on the way to

po drodze do

I bought this dress on the way to the grocer's.

on the phone

przez telefon

Yesterday I was talking to him on the phone. He asked me to pay him a visit.

be/go on strike

strajkować/rozpocząć strajk

The workers threatened to go on strike if they don't get a rise.

be/go on a diet

być na diecie/ rozpocząć dietę

No, thank you. I can't eat this cake as I am on a diet.

be on fire

palić się

The whole room is on fire. We have to run!

on the whole


On the whole, it all depends on the point of view.

on purpose


You know I would never hurt you on purpose.

on foot

na piechotę

It's not far from here. You can walk. It will take you 5 minutes on foot.

on condition that

pod warunkiem, że

I will tell you something on condition that it stays between us.

on behalf of

w imieniu

I am here on behalf of the Mayor.

on the one hand... on the other hand

z jednej strony... z drugiej strony

On the one hand I would like to go on a trip to Egypt but on the other hand I am afraid of flying.

on a bus/a train/a plane/a ship/a bike/a motorbike/horse

w autobusie/w pociągu/w samolocie/na statku/na rowerze/na motocyklu/na koniu

Yes mom, I managed to get to the station on time and I'm already on the train to Moscow.

on account of

z powodu

He was absent during the conference on account of being ill.

on average


Polish couples have 2 kids on average.

on business

w interesach

I'm not a tourist. I'm here on business.

on the contrary


- Is he a good swimmer?
- On the contrary. He's terrible at all sports.

on demand

na żądanie

We can order the movie on demand but it will cost you extra money.

on duty

na służbie

Are you sill on duty, officer?

on the (2nd) floor

na (drugim) piętrze

My neighbour who lives on the 2nd floor is vey noisy.

on holiday/vacation

na wakacjach

Where are you planning to go on your holiday?

on the Internet

w internecie

I found your advertisement on the Internet.

on one's knees

na kolanach

Do I have to beg you on my knees?

on second thoughts

po namyśle

At first I didn't like the idea but on secon thoughts I decided to do it.

on one's own


She likes to show that she's already a big girl and tries to do everything on her own.

. Poniższe przykłady pokazują zastosowanie przyimka by, który jest zazwyczaj angielskim odpowiednikiem polskich przyimków przez, przed, do, obok.

The taxi will be waiting by the post office.

Taksówka będzie czekała przy urzędzie pocztowym.

She had finished writing her essay by midnight.

Skończyła pisać esej przed północą.

We were walking by the pub which was closed.

Przechodziliśmy obok pubu, który był zamknięty.

2. Poza tym, przyimek by jest używany, gdy połączenia wyrazów w zdaniu wskazują jednoznacznie na konieczność zastosowania polskiego narzędnika (który odpowiada na pytania kim? czym?).

My friends are planning to go to Moscow by plane.

Moi przyjaciele planują lecieć do Moskwy samolotem.

3. Przyimek by występuje również w stronie biernej, kiedy jakaś czynność jest wykonana przez kogoś / coś.

My child has been bitten by a dog.

Moje dziecko zostało pogryzione przez psa.

"Gone with the wind" was written by Margaret Mitchell.

"Przeminęło z wiatrem" zostało napisane przez Margaret Mitchell.

4. Poniżej prezentujemy inne zastosowania przyimka by:

Prepositional phrase



(send) by post

(wysyłać) pocztą

Don't send this necklace by post! It's too valuable.

(do) by hand

(robić) ręcznie

Were all these items done by hand? It's a marvellous collection!

(contact) by phone/e-mail/fax

(skontaktować się) przez telefon/email/fax

The message has been sent to you by e-mail.

(pay) by cheque/credit card

(płacić) czekiem/kartą kredytową

May I pay by credit card in here?

by mistake/accident/chance

przez pomyłkę/niechcący/przez przypadek

Excuse me, I'm afraid you took my coat by mistake.

by car/train/plane/subway


Travelling by train seems to be very popular in this country.

by heart

na pamięć

Don't learn by heart! Try to understand what you're reading.

by the way

nawiasem mówiąc, przy okazji

John is moving to England. By the way, did I tell you that my husband used to live there himself?

day by day

dzień po dniu

If I had to cook dinner day by day I would get bored of cooking soon.

by telepathy


I don't believe that communication by telepathy is possible.

by example

na przykładzie

Some say that learning by example is the most effective method of all.

by day/night

podczas dnia/nocy

If you travel by night, you will probably be willing to rest during the day.

by surprise

z zaskoczenia

I didn't expect my friends to do anything like that. I was totally taken by surprise!

by now

do tej pory

By now they should be getting off the bus in Canada.

by force


Raul was taken by force from his apartment in the middle of the night.

by luck

szczęśliwym trafem

He isn't smart. He only solved the riddle by luck.

by birth/marriage

z urodzenia/poprzez małżeństwo/po mężu

Anna Nowak by marriage Johnson is going to teach our class.

Poniżej przedstawiamy listę najpopularniejszych wyrażeń przyimkowych z for:

Prepositional phrase



for a change

dla odmiany

We always go on holiday to Spain. Let's travel to another country for a change!

for ages

latami, przez lata, "całe wieki"

I'm so happy about meeting my cousin. I haven't seen him for ages!

for supper

na kolację

What's for supper, mom?

for fear of

z obawy przed

The thief abandoned his plan of stealing the jewellery for fear of getting caught.

for fun/pleasure

dla zabawy/przyjemności

I don't have to water flowers in the office. I do it for fun.

for good

na dobre

Nobody in the class liked the girl who moved. They all hope she's gone for good.

(to take sth/sb) for granted

być czegoś/kogoś pewnym/uważać, że się należy

You shouldn't take his love for granted.

for life

na całe życie

The criminal has been sentenced for life.

for sale

na sprzedaż

I like this one. Excuse me, is this car for sale?

for a visit

z wizytą

My mother-in-law is comming for a vistit next week and this is why I'm sad.

(to go) for a walk

iść na spacer

The weather is beautiful. I think I'll go for a walk.

for a while

przez chwilkę

Open the door! I just want to talk for a while.

for better or worse

na dobre i złe

Do you take this woman for better or worse?

for sb's birthday

na czyjeś urodziny

My neighbour's son got a new car for his birthday.

for the sake of

przez wzgląd na kogoś

Should we divorce or stay married for the sake of our chilfren?

for certain

na pewno

How interesting! Do you know it for certain?

for hire

do wynajęcia

I have two questions. Is that car for hire? Do you accept credit cards here?

for keeps

na zawsze (dać coś komuś do zatrzymania)

Is this phone for keeps or do you have to give it back?

for the time being

na chwilę obecną

I'm afraid we are not interested in your product for the time being.

for example/instance

na przykład

Dogs are very smart. For example, my dog Rex is trained to fetch a newspaper.

Oto lista wyrażeń przyimkowych z out of:

Prepositional phrase



out of order


If your modem is out of order take it back to the shop.

(get) out of practice

wychodzić z wprawy

I have to practise more as I'm getting out of practice.

(be) out of touch

nie być w kontakcie

How's Tom? I don't know. We've been out of touch since we broke up.

out of the way

na uboczu

The village is out of the way. You can't get there by bus or by train.

(be) out of breath

stracić dech w piersiach, zasapać się

Let's have a break. I'm out of breath.

out of control

poza kontrolą

I can't babysit for you. Your children are out of control!

out of date


Most parents are out of date. They just don't understand young people.

out of fashion


You aren't going to impress her wearing clothes which are so out of fashion.

out of print

wyczerpany (o nakładzie)

I'm afraid the book will not be avaliable anymore. It's out of print.

out of luck


First I lost my job, then my wife left me... I feel I'm out of luck.

out of sight

poza zasięgiem wzroku

Nobody could see the man. He was out of sight.

out of tune

niedostrojony, fałszujący

THe concert didn't go well. They were playing out of tune.

out of earshot

poza zasięgiem słuchu

I coudn't hear that man. He is out of earshot.

out of time

po terminie

I'm terribly sorry but we can't accept your application. It's out of time.

out of pocket

za własne pieniądze, z własnej kieszeni

You don't have to pay. Today the boss is paying for dinner out of his pocket.

(get) out of hand

(wymykać się) spod kontroli

The demonstration is getting out of hand. We have to call the police.

out of stock


These laptops are out of stock. We don't have them.

out of the question

wykluczony, poza dyskusją

No way! Going on holiday with your friends is out of the question.

out of reach

poza zasięgiem

For an average citizen of this country essential medicines are out of reach.

Tutaj zapoznamy się z wyrażeniami przyimkowymi, które tworzone są z przyimkiem from:

Prepositional phrase



from A to B

od A do B

Take a train from Warsaw to Cracow. It will be the quickest!

from place to place

z miejsca do miejsca

What do we call people who travel from place to place?

from time to time

od czasu do czasu

From time to time I go to the countryside in order to relax.

from now on

od teraz

That's enough. From now on there will be no talking during my lessons.

from my point of view

z mojego punktu widzenia

From my point of view the soulution isn't the best because I have twice as much work.

from memory

z pamięci

The artist was so talented that he could paint her portrait from memory!

from experience

z doświadczenia

I learned from experience that you should never trust a woman.

(go) from bad to worse

pogorszyć się

The news just go from bad to worse for this industry.

from morning to night

od rana do nocy

Is working from morning to night really a good way to solve your presonal problems?

from scratch

od zera

This millionaire also started from scratch. It was another American dream.

from wood/flour/plastic

z drewna/mąki/plastiku

Are pancakes made from flour?

Oto lista wybranych wyrażeń przyimkowych z up:

Prepositional phrase



up to date


Are you sure the information about the visit is up to date? Yesterday I heard that the prince passed away.

(it's) up to you

to zależy od ciebie, jak chcesz

- When shoud I start work?
- It's up to you.

up and down

ran na wozie, raz pod wozem (raz lepiej, raz gorzej)

- How's life?
- You know, up and down.

up the spout

stracony, zmarnowany

Because of the accident all plans of winning the championship went up the spout.

up to no good

mieć coś złego w zamiarach, nie wróżyć niczego dobrego

It seems to be too quite. I'm afraid the children are up to no good.

Najpopularniejsze wyrażenia przyimkowe z to to:

Prepositional phrase



to some extent

do pewnego stopnia

I don't think he's completely wrong. I agree with him to some extent.

(to get) to the point

przechodzić do sedna sprawy

We don't have much time. Try to be brief and get to the point.

to sb's surprise

ku czyjemuś zdziwieniu

To my surprise, the children were not misbehaving today.

to sb's advantage

na czyjąś korzyść

This politician was able to turn the economical crisis to his advantage.

to sb's amazement

ku czyjemuś zdziwieniu

To my teacher's amazement I passed the exam.

to sb


Give the parcel to Mr Brown.

to sbdy's liking

jak na czyjś gust

The room is too small to my liking.

Oto lista najczęściej stosowanych wyrażeń przyimkowych z under:

Prepositional phrase



under control

pod kontrolą

Calm down. The fire is under control now.

under the impression

pod wrażeniem

I was under the impression of his intelligence.

under arrest


Don't move. You're under arrest.

under age


If you are under age you can't enter the club.

under repair

w trakcie naprawy

Is your car still under repair?

(be/feel) under the weather

(czuć się) beznadziejnie

Don't laugh at her. She's been feeling under the weather lately.

under discussion


The issue is already under discussion.

Wyrażenia przyimkowe z off:

Prepositional phrase



off the air

zdjęty z anteny

I can't believe my favourite serial is off the air!

off work/school

po pracy/szkole

Be patient. In two hours we are going to be off school.

off duty

po służbie

Are you off duty, officer?

off the record

nie do wiadomości publicznej, nieoficjalny

What I'll tell you should be off the record.

off the map

daleki, odległy

I'm not going there. It's off the map!

off the peg

nie szyty na miarę, z wieszaka

I am never satisfied with clothes which I buy off the peg.

off the point

nie na temat

Stop talking off the point and tell me what you want.

off colour


I'd rather stay at home tonight. I'm feeling a bit off colour today.

off limits


Is drining alcohol considered off limits in this country?